Comes on 180gr. vinyl with improved sound quality. Limited Edition 500 copies.
Italian Progressive holy grail and one of the most prized records of the genre. Impossible to find in its original edition (also a repress from 1989 exists), this album remains a fleeting appeareance of Italian discography and fair object of desire in the record collectors circle, maybe appearing 3 or 4 times in the last 20 years. Musically influenced by Symphonic Rock legends of the period like Emerson Lake And Palmer and Italian Top Prog. bands like Le Orme, features a stunning Progressive suite on the first side followed by a more commercial Pop-Rock vibes on side B. Released in 1972 on the small Library label CGO with faint distribution and signed by Italian Library players and session men of the time like Walter Rizzati. Screaming organ, whriling drums / percussions / sounds and overflowing bassline. Italian Progressive-Pop legendary album!